Volume 12, Issue 48 (2015)                   FSCT 2015, 12(48): 129-138 | Back to browse issues page

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Arabestani A, Kadivar M, Shahedi M, Goli S A H. Preparation and determination of some physicochemical properties of biodegradable proteinous film from bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia) seed. FSCT 2015; 12 (48) :129-138
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-7772-en.html
Abstract:   (5613 Views)
This work was aimed to investigate the potential preparation of an biodegradable film preparation from bitter vetch seed protein and determine some of its physicochemical properties. The film was cast from bitter vetch protein concentrate (BPC) (5 g/ 100 ml alkaline water) and glycerol (50% w/w of BPC). The moisture content (MC), color, tensile strength (TS), elongation to break (EB), water vapor permeability (WVP) and surface hydrophobicity of the film were measured. The film with MC of 27.69%, TS 5.04 MPa and WVP 0.72 (gmm/KPa.h.m2 ) ws comparable with other protein films but its red and yellow indices in color (a=22.41 and b=37.20) and EB were higher than other protein based-films. Its surface hydrophobicity (49.83°) was higher than that of soy and sodium caseinate protein films and lower than red bean protein film. In general, according to the results, it seems that the film obtained from BPC has a good potential to be used in packaging applications.    
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Received: 2013/04/27 | Accepted: 2014/01/27 | Published: 2015/11/22

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