Volume 22, Issue 158 (2025)                   FSCT 2025, 22(158): 155-171 | Back to browse issues page

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Yazdanpanah S, ghorbaninezhad M. Studying the production of composite nanofibers from the hydrocolloid compounds of Salvia macrosiphon L. seeds by electrospinning method in order to cover vitamin D3. FSCT 2025; 22 (158) :155-171
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-75549-en.html
1- ISLAMIC AZAD UNIVERSITY OF KAZEROUN , yazdanpanah2004@gmail.com
2- islamic azad university of kazeroun
Abstract:   (25 Views)
Advancement in the production processes of nanostructures with appropriate formula characteristics provides the production of stable nanoparticles with the ability to be used in the food industry. Microencapsulated bioactive compounds can be integrated into electrospun fibers to achieve greater stability of nanoparticles against heat and light, which leads to increased storage time. In the present study, composite nanofiber layers were made from mucilage extracted from Salvia macrosiphon L. seeds using electrospinning. The nanocomposite of nanofibers was prepared from polyvinyl alcohol/rice bran protein isolate/ Salvia macrosiphon L. seed mucilage in different ratios. Then the morphology and FTIR spectroscopy were investigated. The average diameter of the produced nanofibers is about 40 nm and the coefficient of variance is 13%, which showed that the diameter of the fibers is relatively uniform. Increasing the concentration of the mucilage solution and the constant percentage of polyvinyl alcohol significantly increased the diameter of the nanofibers. In the next step, vitamin D3 was encapsulated in polyvinyl alcohol nanofibers and rice bran protein concentrate. FTIR results confirmed the presence of vitamin D3 in the prepared nanofibers. At higher concentrations of phenolic compounds, with the increase in the number of hydroxyl groups of aromatic rings in the reaction medium, the inhibitory power of mucilage free radicals increased. The composition of nanofibers in the spectroscopic graphs showed that there are two strong peaks in the range of 1454 and 1743 CM-1 from vitamin D3 in the nanocomposite and microcoated samples which show the stretching vibrations related to the C=C group in the aromatic rings of phenolic compounds. Based on the findings, bioactive compounds to increase access to vitamin D3 can be enclosed in electrospun nanofibers of Salvia macrosiphon L. mucilage/polyvinyl alcohol/rice bran protein concentrate.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Bioactive compounds
Received: 2024/06/9 | Accepted: 2024/09/11 | Published: 2025/03/21

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