Volume 21, Issue 154 (2024)                   FSCT 2024, 21(154): 37-48 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohadjerani M, Hosseinzadeh R, Moghimi R, Esmaeili B. Investigation the antioxidant activity and total phenol and flavonoid contents of wild grapevines (Vitis vinifera subsp. Sylvestris) fruit and leaf extracts. FSCT 2024; 21 (154) :37-48
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-71020-en.html
1- university of mazandaran , m.mohajerani@umz.ac.ir
2- University of mazandaran
3- university of mazandaran
Abstract:   (536 Views)
Vitis vinifera subsp. Sylvestris, belonging to vitis family and is one of the indigenous plants of Iran, was collected from Miankalleh. In this research, different plant extractions (methanol, water, chloroform, ethyl acetate) were obtained from the leaf and fruit of wild grapes. The yield of extraction was determined. Also, the total phenol and total flavonoid content of different extracts were analyzed and the antioxidant activity of the extracts was assessed using DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and FRAP (ferric reducing power) methods. Our investigation showed that the aqueous extract of leaf (14.35%) and fruit (12.71%) had the highest level of extraction yield. The total phenolic content of the fruit was higher than the leaf. Also, the methanolic extract had a higher total phenolic content than other extracts in leaf (2.9±0.25 mg/g) and fruit (12.3±0.1 mg/g).Regarding the total flavonoid content, the methanolic extract of the fruit with 9.7±0. 03 mg/g, had the highest level. Investing the antioxidant activity using DPPH assay revealed that the aqueous leaf extract with IC50 of 26.74±0.12 µg/ml had the best result. The methanolic extract of the leaf was more potent than other extracts in the FRAP assay. In conclusion, the phytochemical analysis of the leaf and fruit of wild grapes showed that the methanolic extract had the best performance.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Food Chemistry
Received: 2023/08/12 | Accepted: 2024/05/8 | Published: 2024/12/21

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