Volume 20, Issue 143 (2023)                   FSCT 2023, 20(143): 108-124 | Back to browse issues page

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Nosrati G, Jooyandeh H, Hojjati M, Noshad M. Evaluation of the textural characteristics of synbiotic ultrafiltrated cheese containing demenirelized UF-whey and lactulose powders. FSCT 2023; 20 (143) :108-124
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-70024-en.html
1- Department of Food Science and Technology, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan
2- Department of Food Science and Technology, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Mollasani, Iran , hosjooy@yahoo.com
3- Department of Food Science and Technology, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Mollasani, Iran
Abstract:   (1386 Views)
Nowadays, Functional food products as healthy diets have been considered extensively among consumers. Moreover, the use of particular microorganisms, for instance probiotic bacteria, offers probabilities to progress novel foods with appropriate shelf life. In the current research, in order to produce a functional ultrafiltrated (UF)-cheese, demineralized UF-whey powder (DUWP) at the levels of 0, 1 and 2%, and lactulose powder at the levels of 0 and 1% were used. Furthermore, bifidobacterium bifidum was used as probiotic bacteria. The textural characteristics in terms of hardness, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness and sensorial propertis of the symbiotic cheese samples including odor, color, texture and taste were evaluated during 60 days of storage period at 4 C. Results showed that addition of DUWP and lactulose powders except for adhesiveness and springiness caused significant decrease in all textural parameters (P<0.001). Besides, except for adhesiveness and cohesiveness, the mean values of textural parameters usually enhanced up to middle of the storage time and thereafter decreased up to end of storage period (p<0.05). Sensory results revealed that although addition of both DUWP and lactulose powders resulted in lower sensory scores, no significant differences were found between control (without DUWP and lactulose) and sample containing 1% of each both mentioned powders (P>0.05). Therefore, based on the obtained results, sample having 1% of DUWP and 1% of lactulose determined as the best symbiotic UF-cheese sample. Since the potential contribution of this product in community health promotion and reduction of diseases risk, the production and consumption of this functional cheese is proposed. 
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Supplemented foods (probiotics, parabiotics ...)
Received: 2023/06/23 | Accepted: 2023/08/12 | Published: 2023/11/1

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