Volume 21, Issue 147 (2024)                   FSCT 2024, 21(147): 57-69 | Back to browse issues page

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Pourghayoumi M, Gholamipour Fard K, Farokhzadeh S. Comparison of mineral compositions in seeds of different native and imported date cultivars. FSCT 2024; 21 (147) :57-69
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-69520-en.html
1- Research Assistant Professor, Date Palm and Tropical Fruits Research Center, Horticultural Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Ahvaz, Iran.
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Production, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Darab, Shiraz University, Darab, Iran.
3- PhD of Plant Breeding, Field and Horticultural Crops Research Department, Fras Agricultural and Natural Sciences Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Shiraz, Iran. , sfarokhzadeh87@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1196 Views)
 Date palm seed is a rich source of minerals, fiber, carbohydrates, and contains high levels of antioxidant compounds, making it a cost-effective and beneficial ingredient for formulating food products in the country. The current research was conducted to investigate the  mineral contents in the seeds of 15 cultivated date palm cultivars in Khuzestan province including native cultivars (‘Fersi’, ‘Satmaran’, ‘Zahidi’, ‘Deiri’, ‘Belyani’, ‘Bereim’, ‘Barhee’, ‘Sowaidani’, ‘Asharsi’, ‘Hallawi’, ‘Owaidi’, and ‘Piarom’), and imported cultivars (‘Medjool’, ‘Deglet Noor’, and ‘Thoory’), at the Date Palm and Tropical Fruits Research Center of Iran. These cultivars were analyzed using a completely random design with three replications. The results showed, there are significant differences in the mineral contents, including Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Na, K, and Ca in the seeds of different date cultivars. K had the highest content in date palm seeds compared to other elements, followed by Ca, Na, Zn, Fe, Mn, and Cu. The highest levels of Fe and Mn elements were observed in the seed of the ‘Deiri’ cultivar, while the highest levels of Cu and K were found in the seeds of the ‘Medjool’ cultivar. The ‘Deglet Noor’ cultivar had the highest contents of Na and Ca in its seeds. Also, the highest concentration of zinc element was detected in the seed of the ‘Barhee’ cultivar. In different date seeds, the highest positive and significant correlation was observed between Ca% and Na%. Based on the cluster analysis results, regarding seed mineral contents, the examined date palm cultivars were classified into four main groups. Overall, the seeds of examined date palm cultivars, contained significant but highly variable amounts of minerals, and the use of seeds from the ‘Deiri’ and ‘Barhee’ (native cultivars) and ‘Medjool’ (imported cultivar) is recommended as important components in the production of functional food products in the country.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Physiology after harvesting fruits and vegetables
Received: 2023/05/30 | Accepted: 2023/12/28 | Published: 2024/04/20

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