Volume 19, Issue 133 (2023)                   FSCT 2023, 19(133): 327-336 | Back to browse issues page

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zandi M, piravi vanak Z, mousavi nadushan R, zayerzadeh E. Study of subchronic toxicity of camelina oil and its effect on biochemical factors and hematological parameters. FSCT 2023; 19 (133) :327-336
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-64651-en.html
1- islamic azad university, north tehran branch
2- Member of the academic board of Food and Agriculture Research Institute, Standard Research Institute, Tehran, Department of Food Industry. , Zpiravi@gmail.com--iau-tnb@iau-tnb.ac.ir
3- Faculty member of Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Department of Fisheries.
4- Member of the academic faculty of Food and Agriculture Research Institute, Tehran, Department of Toxicology.
Abstract:   (726 Views)
Camelina oil contains large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids and phenolic compounds, which affect the amount of blood factors such as blood lipids. The presence of these compounds reduces the deposition of fat in the veins and reduces the mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of factors such as benzopyrene. The aim of this research is to evaluate the safety and effect of camellia oil as an edible oil on the growth, tissue and blood factors of Wistar rats in order to investigate its use in human nutrition. During this period (90 days), 40 male Wistar rats in 4 groups were administered Camelina oil with doses of 0.1, 1 and 10 ml daily compared to the control group, in blood and biochemical parameters such as lipid factors. Blood, ALT, AST, ALP and white and red blood cells were evaluated. In ALT, Cr, LDL, total cholesterol, WBC, PDW and RBC factors, no significant difference was observed between the groups and the control group. But the reduction of urea, TG, AST, RDW, MCHC occurred in different groups compared to the control group, and this reduction was associated with a significant difference. A significant difference was observed in blood glucose level in two groups with 1 and 10 ml diet. Also, the exposure of this oil to the studied doses did not cause any pathological and clinical effects in the studied animals compared to the control group animals in a period of three months. Also, the results of this study showed that due to the high amount of unsaturated fatty acids (linolenic acid and linoleic acid), tocopherol and other antioxidants, camellia oil can be effective in increasing the immunity of the cellular level of the body and human health.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Oil and products technology
Received: 2022/10/7 | Accepted: 2022/11/12 | Published: 2023/03/1

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