karazhyan R, ameri R, Gord Noshahri R, lavaee P, Ehtiati A, sadeghi F et al . Evaluation of the type and composition of coatings in the stability of phycocyanin pigment by spray drying method. FSCT 2022; 19 (126) :153-162
1- Assistant Professor, Department of industrial biotechnology on microorganisms, Iranian Academic Center for Education Culture and Research (ACECR), Mashhad, Iran , reza_karazhyan2002@yahoo.com
2- Assistant Professor, Department of industrial biotechnology on microorganisms, Iranian Academic Center for Education Culture and Research (ACECR), Mashhad, Iran
3- Researcher/ Iranian Academic Center for Education Culture and Research (ACECR) Khorasan Razavi
4- Research and Development Division, Alis Allied Manufacturing Corporation, Mashhad, Iran
5- Department of Food Science and Technology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Abstract: (1731 Views)
Phycocyanin is a pigment extracted from Spirulina platensis and can be a good alternative to synthetic dyes in various industries, including the food industry.The aim of this study was to evaluate the type and composition of coatings in the stability of phycocyanin pigment by spray dryer. Phycocyanin pigment solution was copigmented with tannic acid and mixed with maltodextrin and gum arabic in ratios (100: 0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0: 100) gum arabic: maltodextrin and core to wall ratio 10: 1 were coated. The results showed that pigment coating has a significant effect on its stability, so that the analysis of variance comparing the average of the treatment containing 100% and 75% maltodextrin in the coating with the lowest amount of pigment absorption with values of 12.3 and 14.5 respectively. Examination of the electron microscope showed that the microcapsules contained higher amounts of maltodextrin, sphericals with a smoother surface and less wrinkles than the microcapsules made with gum arabic. Also, the particle size results showed that the powder samples containing maltodextrin were larger than the samples with gum arabic, which were 50.5 and 41.3 nm, respectively.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Thin coating Received: 2022/02/9 | Accepted: 2022/05/21 | Published: 2022/08/1