Volume 16, Issue 95 (2019)                   FSCT 2019, 16(95): 75-83 | Back to browse issues page

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Mardani ghahfarokhi A, Yarmand M S. Investigation the effect of backing process on folates stability with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method and microbiological assay. FSCT 2019; 16 (95) :75-83
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-36630-en.html
1- Department of food science and technology, ferdowsi university of mashhad
2- Faculty of science and technology, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Tehran , myarmand@ut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (3882 Views)
Folic acid is one of the essential vitamins that deficiency of it causes congenital malformations in pregnant, especially neural tube disorders. Since the human body cannot synthesize this vitamin, enrichment process on bread that is known as one of the most widely consumed foods in the diet of our people, can be on an effective step for eliminating defects caused by vitamin’s deficiency in people. Considering the health effects of wheat bran and and the presence of folic acid in it, in this study attempts to fortify flour (with 7% wheat bran) by 100% RDI folic acid and then measuring the stability of folic acid in bread making process by HPLC method and microbiological assay. The results indicated that the microbiological assay showed higher amount than the high performance liquid chromatography method because of the ability to measure the natural folate in the samples. Also, during the bread making process, the folic acid and folate content increased during the fermentation process and then decreased by the thermal baking process. The remaining amount of folic acid and folate in the final bread showed the relatively high resistance of this vitamin in the process of Barbariʼs bread, and thus the ability of the bread fortification process to provide folic acid requirements in adults.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Enriching food
Received: 2019/09/20 | Accepted: 2019/12/23 | Published: 2019/12/31

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