Volume 17, Issue 99 (2020)                   FSCT 2020, 17(99): 137-146 | Back to browse issues page

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Lotfian F, Emam djomeh Z, Karami M, Moeini S. The Effect of Adding Eggwhites and Increasing pH on Shelf Life and Viscosity of Chocolate Milk Drinks. FSCT 2020; 17 (99) :137-146
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-36565-en.html
1- Ph.D. Student, Department of food science and technology, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2- Professor, Department of Food Science, Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran
3- Bu-Ali Sina University, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Hamedan, Iran , mkarami@basu.ac.ir
4- Professor, Department of food science and technology, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (6288 Views)
Today, a variety of milk-based products are made with flavored beverages, because many people, especially children, are reluctant to consume unpasteurized milk. On the other hand, eggs are placed in higher degree than other sources of protein nutritionally, that they are added to most food products to increase their nutritional value as well as improve their functional properties. Therefore, in this study, Egg white protein and chocolate milk were used for making protein beverage. Microbiological count, sensory attributes and pH changes were investigated during 10 days of refrigerated storage. At the tenth day, the total numbers of bacteria were between 4.05- 5.77 (Log10 CFU/ml). It was concluded that when egg white amount increased, the number of bacteria significantly decreased. No coliforms, E-coli, salmonella, mold and yeast were observed. Also, pH levels increased to 8.3-8.7 and reduced acidic spoilage. Also, there was a direct relationship between increasing egg white amount and decreasing the amount of cocoa and sugar in increasing the viscosity and the viscosity values ​​of the samples with higher egg white content decreased  during storage time and samples with lower percentages of egg white increased.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Enriching food
Received: 2019/09/18 | Accepted: 2020/03/14 | Published: 2020/04/29

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