1- Tarbiat Modares University
2- Trabiat Modares University , darabzadehnazanin@yahoo.com
3- Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences
Abstract: (10321 Views)
Diabetes is an inherited and/or acquired chronic disease. It is one of the most common metabolic disorders caused by the deficiency in production of insulin, or reduction of organ responses to secreted insulin. Prevalence of diabetes is high in the developing country and it is the 4th main cause of death and the major cause of blindness in adults. Since the main goal of diabetes treatment is the control of blood sugar level in the normal range and providing adequate conditions for insulin activity to reduce vascular and neurological diseases, nutritional treatment, food diet and the control of weight are the most solutions. On the other hand, the lack of appropriate food alternatives demonstrates the need for research on developing the special formulation of products designed for diabetic patients. The inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase activities, natural and artificial sweeteners in formulations, medicine foods, low digestible carbohydrates, gradual decrease, enhancers, release profile and legislation are the most important ways for control of diabetic diet.
Article Type:
Analytic Review |
Supplemented foods (probiotics, parabiotics ...) Received: 2018/12/16 | Accepted: 2019/06/9 | Published: 2019/08/15