Zaveh zad N, Haghayegh G H, Nik poyan H, Rahmani H. Effect ofwater-melon asanaturaladditiveon doughfarinography properties and improvement the quality of semi volumeBarbari bread. FSCT 2015; 12 (47) :31-41
Abstract: (5427 Views)
According to theresearchersfocused onthe roleof bread in thenational economyandtheuse ofnaturaladditivesto reducestalingrateand improvethe quantitative and qualitativeproperties ofstrategic products, So The aim of thisstudy was to investigatethe effect ofdifferent levels ofwatermelon(0, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16%) on dough farinographypropertiesandmoisture content, specific volume, porosity andfirmness of semi volume Barbari bread. Inthis study, Image J software was used for porosity measurement. The resultsshowed thatwith the increasing ofwatermelonin the bread formulation, water absorption anddegree of softening increased butthe amount of dough stability decreased. While the mostdoughdevelopment timewas observedinsamples containing2% water melon. Also theresultsshowed thatthemelon water as a natural additive canincreases the amountof moisture content,porosity andspecific volumeanddecreased firmnessoftexture. So the highest moisture, specific volume andporosity were observed in ofthesamplescontainedrespectively16, 4and8% water melon. It should be notedthatsamples containing4% water melonhadthe lowestfirmness.
Received: 2014/07/22 | Accepted: 2015/02/20 | Published: 2015/07/23