Abstract: (5867 Views)
Delphi was the principle procedure used to conduct this study. In its most basic form, the Delphi consists of at least three different instruments which in the present study will be referred to as round one, round two and round three. Brooks (1972) stated that the number of rounds could either be predetermined by the researcher or continued until group consensus is reached. The primary purpose of this study was to identify strategies regarding commercialization of academicals research findings in dealing with agricultural food Industry. Seventy-Four faculty members of Agricultural Food Industry Departments employed at public universities were identified to serve as a panel of experts for this study. However, 25 faculty members responded to our e-mailed questionnaires. From the review of literature, an open-ended questionnaire consisting of one question was developed for round one. This question was validated for content regarding its appropriateness to the objective of the study by a panel of faculty members in the Departments of Agricultural Extension and Education and Food Industry at Tarbiat Modares University. Seventeen strategies regarding commercialization of academic research findings in Agricultural Food Industry were collected from the panel of experts as the result of round one. Consensus was achieved for 15 of these statements in round three. The data in Table 3 shows the level of agreement of panel of experts in commercialization of academic research findings that more than (80%) of them reached consensus.
Received: 2013/04/21 | Accepted: 2014/01/21 | Published: 2016/01/21