Abstract: (5816 Views)
This project was carried out in order to increasing of shelf life of Kilka Fish and prevent of color changes during cold storage. Edible film made by sodium alginate (1.5 and 2% concentrations) was used for fish packaging at time 0. Cleaned Kilka fish was packaged in disposable dishes and covered by cellophane was used as control samples. The samples were kept at -18oC. Examinations were carried out for a period of six months. No statistically significant difference was observed in total bacterial counts nad staphylococcus bacteria in the covered samples compared with the control samples(P>0.05). Coliform, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas bacteria contamination were negative until the end of storage period in the samples. No statistically significant difference was observed in protein, lipid and ash in test samples compared with the control samples. Statistically significant difference was observed in free fatty acids, thiobarbitoric acid, Peroxide value, TVN and pH in test samples compared with the control samples. Statistically significant difference was observed in moisture in the covered samples compared with the control samples
(P> 0.05). Sensory analysis carried out to Ranking method. Statistically significant difference was observed in overal acceptable in the covered samples compared with the control samples. Statistically significant difference was observed in this index in the covered samples with 1.5% concentration compared with the covered samples with 2% concentration. Covered samples with 1.5% concentration had better quality compared with the covered samples with 2% concentration. The covered samples had a favorable quality until the end of storage period. But, the control samples had a favorable quality for a period of three monthes.
Received: 2011/01/8 | Accepted: 2011/05/8 | Published: 2012/07/8