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XML Modeling of thin-layer drying kinetics of barberry Fruit (Berberis Vulgaris) using artificial neural network Gorjian, Sh. 1, Tavakoli Hashtjin, T. 2, Khosh Taghaza, M. H. 3

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XML Effect of edible and nano biocompatibility coating on quality property of golden delicious apple during different storage conditions Movahednejad, M. H. 1, Khoshtaghaza, M. H. 2 , Zohouriyan Mehr, M. J. 3, Minaee, S. 2,

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XML The effect of frying on some qualitative characteristics of grape seed oil Rahnemoon, P. 1, Azadmard-Damirchi, S. 2 , Peygambardust, S. A. 2, Hesari, J. 2, Nemati, M. 3, Zenouzi, A. 4

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XML Impregnation of porcelain pots with silver nanoparticles by an innovative pervaporation technic and study of the effects on food stock pathogens (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus) Tavakolian, S.1, Manteghian, M.2, Asadi,Gh.3, Najarpiraie, Sh.4, Shabani, Sh. 5

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XML Investigation of energy consumption and drying kinetics of thyme leaves in microwave dryer Khafajeh, H. 1, Banakar, A. 1 , Minaei, S. 1, Taghizadeh, A. 2, Motavali, A. 1, Rezaei Aderyani, M. 3

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XML Effect of fat content on rheological and physical properties of vanilla ice cream Mostafavi, F.1* , Mazaheri Tehrani, M.2, Mohebbi, M.3

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XML Apple dried layer quality and freshness sorting using machine vision technology after artificial aging Karimi, S.1, Nikian, A2

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XML Characteristics of the chemical, sensory and microbial of flours in Khuzestan Nasehi, B. 1 , Tahanejad, M. 2

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XML Investigation of metabolism of Mortierella alpina in optimal condition for oil and arachidonic acid production using response surface methodology (RSM) Samad loui, H. R. 1, Hamidi, Z. 2, Alavi, S. M. 3, Sahari, S. A. 4, Abbasi, S. 2

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XML Evaluation of sensory characteristics, rheological and color changes in the part baked frozen Barbari bread containing guar gum and Lipase Hejrani, T. 1, Sheikholeslami, Z. 2, Mortazavi, A. 3, Ghiyafe Davoodi, M. 2

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XML Improving storage of sugar beet to reduction of microbial flou in silo Behzad, Kh. 1, Mazaheri Tehrani, M. 1 , Mortazavi, S. A. 1, , Shahidi Noghabi, M.2 Behzad, R. 3

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XML Effect of operating parameters on performance of nanofiltration of sugar beet press water M. Shahidi Noghabi 1,2 , S. M. A. Razavi 3, S. M. Mousavi 4, M. Elahi 5

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XML The effect of modified corn starch on reological properties of dough and quality 0f barbary bread Shamshirsaz, M.1  , Mirzaie,H.A2 Azizi,M.H3 Alami.M2

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XML Investigation of mulberry drying kinetics and moisture Diffusivity under microwave oven Khafajeh H.1, Banakar A. 2 , Zarein M.3, Khoshtaghaza M. H.4

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XML Effects of protein concentration and pH changes on some functional properties of gliadin Abedi, E . 1, Majzoobi, M. 2 , Farahnaki, A.2

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XML Qualitative properties evaluation of the produced chitosan From shrimp shell and commercial chitosan of crab shell Moosavi-Nasab, M. 1 , Moosavi-Nasab, S, A. 2, Mesbahi, G. 3, Jamalian, J. 4

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XML Analysis of three shrimps species and two fresh and canned tuna fishes for determination of nutritive values Aberoumand, A.

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XML Comparison of total phenols and antioxidant properties of walnut (Juglans regia L.) green husk of three regions of northern Iran (Shahrood, Bandar Gaz and Hzargarib)
Mohammad Dolat Abadi, Zeinab Raftani Amiri, Reza Esmail Zadeh Kenari
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