Volume 8, Issue 33 (2011)                   FSCT 2011, 8(33): 69-78 | Back to browse issues page

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Determination of some physical and mechanical properties of two varieties Almond kernel, under cutting loading. FSCT 2011; 8 (33) :69-78
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-8133-en.html
Abstract:   (20123 Views)
  The post-harvest physical and mechanical properties data of fruits and vegetables are important in adoption and design of various handling, packaging, storage and transportation systems. In this research some of physical and mechanical properties of two varieties of almond kernel were investigated. The mean values of geometrical properties including; length, width, thickness, the geometric mean diameter, weight, volume and sphericity for Azar variety were 21.01, 11.53, 5.31, 10.91 mm, 0.695 gr, 673.1 mm3  and 52.02% and for Nonpareil were 19.54, 10.96, 5.24, 10.38 mm, 0.570 gr, 547.9 mm3 and 53.27%, respectively. Also, properties such as ; particle density and bulk density, frictional properties of Almond kernel on the plain steel, galvanized steel and aluminum for the two varieties of Almond, that is, Azar and Nonpareil were measured. At present research, also by cutting loading tests, some of mechanical properties of almond kernel such as force, energy and power requirement for cutting of kernel were investigated. The tests were carried in three size levels (small, medium and large) and three loading speed (5, 50 and 100 mm/min) and three moisture levels (5, 15 and 25%) with 10 replication. The effect of three factors; size, speed, moisture and their multiple effects were measured for both varieties. Finally, the mean values of mechanical properties both varieties were compared. The mean force, energy and power requirement to cutting of kernel for Azar variety were 15.43N, 6.12mJ, 0.0058W and for Nonpareil were 17.03N, 8.19 mJ, 0.0071W, respectively.  
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Received: 2009/06/28 | Accepted: 2011/06/28 | Published: 2012/12/27

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