radbeh Z, Asefi N, Hamishehkar H, Rofegarinejad L, PEZESHKI A. Production of Cornus mas extract nano carrier and release evaluation of nano encapsulated ‘ bioactive compounds in semi digestive condition. FSCT 2021; 18 (110) :141-152
1- azad university of tabriz
2- azad university of tabriz , n.asefi@iaut.ac.ir
3- Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
4- tabriz university
Abstract: (2336 Views)
The bioactive compounds of Cornus mas are known as powerful antioxidants. The stability of polyphenols extract is very important and encapsulating is a good technique to increase their stability by increasing the use of bioactive compounds in food and medicine. In this research the antioxidant activity of encapsulated bioactive compounds of cornus mas extract with enteric coated nanocubosomes and their release under semi-digestion conditions were evaluated. In order to determine the effect of encapsulation on the stability of phenolic compounds and their antioxidant activity, encapsulated extract into enteric coated nano-cubosoms and free extract were investigated. Characterization analysis of the mean particle size and zeta potential value of the nanocobosomes were reported to be 49.3 nm and -16 mV, respectively. The results of release studies showed that after 30 hours the secretion of Cornus mas extract at pH 1.2 (simulated gastric media) and pH 7.4 (simulated intestinal media) were about 38% and 61%, respectively. The FTIR results showed no interaction between the extract and cubosomes. Therefore Cornus mas extract retained its antioxidant activity.