1- Department of Food Science & Technology, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2- Department of Food Science & Technology, Isfahan(Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran , mgolifood@yahoo.com
Abstract: (2436 Views)
Cinnamon is a flavoring compound with antioxidant activity derived from phenolic and nonphenolic volatile compounds of the bark. In this study, RSM statistical software of central composite design (CCD) with coefficient α = 2 and three factors A: percentage of cinnamon replacement with cardamom (0-100%) and factor B: percentage of animal butter replacement with plant butter (0-100%) and factor C: cooking temperature (110-130 ) were used. Test responses were: texture and color. Then optimum samples 1 and 2 were compared with control at 0-15-30-45 days after production by SPSS software for physicochemical parameters including hardness, density, sensory acceptability, peroxide number, thiobarbituric acid index, anisidine number, and Totoxes were compared. Sohan-Polaki treated with cinnamon and butter had lower peroxide, anisidine number and toxic index compared to control. The Sohan-Polaki treated with cinnamon and butter had a higher density than the control. The hardness of cinnamon and animal butter-treated sohans was not significantly different from the control treatment. Cinnamon and butter-treated Sohan-Polaki had more sensory properties than control. Increasing the percentage of cinnamon at a 25% replacement level compared to 75% replacement level showed higher hardness at all temperatures studied. With the increase in the percentage of butter in the formulation of Sohan-Polaki, the hardness decreased. At the 50% substitution level of cinnamon, the same hardness was observed at both substitution levels (25% and 75%). The same trend was observed for the brightness index with increasing cinnamon content at both 115 and 125 ° C at three levels of animal butter replacement (25, 50 and 75%). With the increase in animal butter in the formulation, the index a* was increased, so that the highest a* was obtained for the 25% cinnamon replacement level and the 75% animal butter replacement level.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Food formulations Received: 2019/09/13 | Accepted: 2020/05/19 | Published: 2020/07/31