Volume 17, Issue 98 (2020)                   FSCT 2020, 17(98): 63-72 | Back to browse issues page

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khademi shurmasti D, Shariatmadari F, Karimi Torshizi M A. A survey of enrichment of broiler breast and thigh meat with vegetable oil sources of omega fatty acids and effect on oxidative stability during Storage (4oc and -20oc). FSCT 2020; 17 (98) :63-72
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-35897-en.html
1- Assistant prof. Department of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Savadkooh Branch, Savadkooh, Iran , dkhademi@gmail.com
2- professor Department of Poultry breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat modares University, Tehran, Iran
3- Associated Prof., Department of Poultry Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (3875 Views)
To investigate of enrichment of breast and thigh meat using vegetable oil sources and effect on oxidative stability of meat during storage, the experiment using 1-old day chickens Arian commercial strain was conducted. Experimental diets were prepared with canola oil or pumpkin seed oil and their fatty acid profiles were determined. The chicks were fed one of two diets during the breeding period in four replicates per treatment . The results showed that thigh meat of broilers were fed with canola oil, significantly contained higher linolenic acid , oleic acid, and total unsaturated fatty acids (USFAs) and those were fed with diets containing pumpkin seed oil contained significantly (p<0.01) higher linoleic acid, arachidonic acid (omega 6) and total polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUSFAs). The amount of linoleic acid and linolenic acid in the breast meat was not affected by the type of oil. But, oleic acid values (omega 9), ratio of USFAs / SFAs and ratio of PUSFAs / SFAs in canola oil-fed chickens and arachidonic acid (omega-6) in chickens pumpkin seed oil-fed were higher (p<0.01). The amount of malondialdehyde (MDA) in thighs and breasts were increased during storage at refrigerated temperature. Thigh meat MDA value of canola oil-fed broiler was significantly higher at the end of storage period (p<0.05). At freezing temperature, the oxidative stability of thigh and breast meat of broiler were fed pumpkin seed oil was significantly higher (p<0.05). Therefore, by manipulating the combination of dietary fatty acids with vegetable oil sources, can be altered the pattern of thigh and breast fatty acids profile. During the storage period, oxidation spoilage increases in meats enriched with PUSFAs, especially omega-3 fatty acids. Key words: Oxidation, Fatty acid profile, Omega 3, Oxidative stability, Vegetable oil, Enrichment
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Enriching food
Received: 2019/08/25 | Accepted: 2020/03/9 | Published: 2020/03/29

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