Volume 16, Issue 97 (2020)                   FSCT 2020, 16(97): 171-181 | Back to browse issues page

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Torabı S, Mohtarami F, Dabbagh Mazhary M R. The influence of acorn flour on physico-chemical and sensory properties of gluten free biscuits. FSCT 2020; 16 (97) :171-181
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-20664-en.html
1- Saba College Of Higher Education
2- assistant professor , mohtarami.f@gmail.com
3- Saba College Of Higher
Abstract:   (4321 Views)
Acorn tree is abundant in many parts of Iran and is usually wasted or used as animal feed. According to the numerous health effects of acorn, the aim of this research is to investigate the influence of acorn flour (substituted at levels of 0-30% with rice flour, corn flour and starch) as a mixture design on chemical, nutritional, textural and sensorial properties of gluten free biscuits for celiacs. The results showed that moisture, ash, crude fiber, carbohydrate, antioxidant capacity and total phenol of gluten free biscuits supplemented with acorn flour increased noticeably compared to control. Increasing the acorn flour decreased calorie value of gluten free biscuits. Hardness and penetration energy of samples increased with substitution of acorn flour in formulation. Sensory evaluation showed addition of acorn flour up to 20% was acceptable but total acceptance diminished at high levels of it. The obtained results signify that the application of acorn flour in gluten-free baking could be useful for fortification and increase of nutritional value.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Enriching food
Received: 2018/05/9 | Accepted: 2019/03/16 | Published: 2020/02/29

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