Volume 7, Issue 24 (2010)                   FSCT 2010, 7(24): 11-17 | Back to browse issues page

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Determination of mineral contents of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, and Cu in liver and kidney of slaughtered Iranian water buffalos in Urmia industrial slaughterhouse. FSCT 2010; 7 (24) :11-17
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-9573-en.html
Abstract:   (9131 Views)
  Liver and kidney of Iranian water buffalo used to consume as protein sources. The aim of this study was to evaluate macro- and micro-elements content of liver and kidney of water buffalo. The samples were collected from both sexes of slaughtered buffalos (n=40) from two different age groups (mature and immature). A sequence of steps including drying, weighting, dry ashed and acid extract was used to determine mineral composition in liver and kidney. Analysis of the acid digested samples were measured by a atomic absorption apparatus calibrated with standard solutions of the minerals. The results indicated that Potassium is the uppermost mineral found in liver and kidney (326.4 and 212.69 mg/100gr fresh tissue, respectively). Sodium was the second highest mineral was found in liver and kidney (72.2 and 172.32 mg/100gr fresh tissue, respectively). There was no significant differences in mineral of liver and kidney between different sexes of the buffalos. No significant differences in mineral content of both organs were found between mature and immature buffalos.
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Received: 2008/07/26 | Accepted: 2009/05/26 | Published: 2012/06/30

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