Functional properties of freeze-dried protein powder prepared from common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Bagherimofidi, M. 1 , Jafarpour, A . 2, Motamedzadegan, A. 3. FSCT 2014; 11 (42) :128-117
Abstract: (8364 Views)
This study aimed to investigate the quality characteristics of fish protein powder (FPP) from common carp raw surimi and its mince prepared by application of freeze-drying technique. To prepare test samples, either distilled water or 0.5M NaCl solution was used and parameters such as water holding capacity (WHC), emulsion capacity (EC), emulsion stability (ES) and oil absorption (OA) were determined. According to the results, WHC did not show any significant differences in samples prepared either by distilled water or 0.5M NaCl solution. In terms of EC, after 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h in samples prepared by use of 0.5M NaCl, no significant differences was observed between treatments. However, by use of distilled water, the differences became significantly (P<0.05) different. In this study, FFP from raw surimi showed higher and significant OA capacity compared to the one from fish mince. Finally, among color indices, L* and a* values showed significant difference between FFP from raw surimi and fish mince. It can be concluded that as there was no significant differences between FPP from common carp raw surimi and unwashed mince in terms of functional properties, therefore, if we expect lighter and whiter color in enriched product with protein powder, surimi FPP would be an appropriate choice, however, it needs to be confirmed by sensory evaluation test.
Received: 2010/11/24 | Accepted: 2011/11/24 | Published: 2014/04/21