Sheikh Zadeh V, Ataye Salehi E, Hadad Khoda parast M H. Investigations on the effect of date puree as a sugar replacer on physicochemical and sensorial and textural properties of dunat. FSCT 2015; 13 (54) :25-34
Abstract: (7619 Views)
Nowadays, the investigations on sugar replacement with other sweeteners increased because of the relation of sugar consumption with some diseases such as blood pressure, dental decay, obesity and increment of the glucose and insulin which especially is dangerous in diabetic patients. In this study, sugar was replaced in 5 levels (0, 25, 50, 75 & 100%) with date puree in dunat formulation and physicochemical and sensory properties and shelf life of final product were assessed. Results showed that moisture and water activity values increased with more replacement of dunat was decreased in 75% replacement level. The oil uptake percent and special volume decreased from 50% and 75% replacement levels, respectively. Although L٭ and b٭ values of the dunat crust was decreased in 50% and higher replacement levels in compared with control sample, a٭ value was increased in 25% and higher replacement levels. While the a٭ value of the dunat crumb increased in 25% and higher replacement levels, L٭ and b٭ values decreased from 25% and 50% replacement levels, respectively. Results from panelist’s assessment also hadn’t significant difference with control sample up to 50% replacement level. Results from this study showed that 50% replacement of sugar with date puree in dunat formulation not only keep appropriate sensorial properties of products, but also reduce oil uptake in a significance difference in compared to control sample and in special volume and porosity, treated samples haven’t significance difference with control sample. Also increment in replacement level up to 50% of date puree, whilst increase moisture and decrease hardness of products in each three period times and regard to water activity value, lead to increase in dunat maintenances time.
Received: 2015/08/12 | Accepted: 2015/08/12 | Published: 2016/07/22