Volume 20, Issue 144 (2024)                   FSCT 2024, 20(144): 183-198 | Back to browse issues page

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norozi Z, zekavati asl R. the effect of aloe vera gel coating on the qualitative, microbial characteristics and shelf life of banana fruit during cold storage. FSCT 2024; 20 (144) :183-198
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-69006-en.html
1- Department Masters of food science and Technology
2- Assistant professor department of Nursing , rzekavati45@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1083 Views)
The use of chemical treatments to prevent waste after harvesting fruits has harmful effects which are considered as an important factor in reducing their shelf life.Since the ancient time,Plants have been one of the first available resources for treatment. Recently, extensive research has been done on medicinal herbs such as aloe vera. This plant is able to play an important role in preserving the freshnees and quality of fruits and also controlling fungi.it can also be used as a barrier to the entry and exit of materials,transfer of components and additives, and prevention of the growth of microorganisms on the surface of fruits as well as their mechanical protection. Aloe vera coating was used in different concentrations of gel (100,75, 50, 25%) during 24 day sof storage at 12ºc.Microbial stability, physicochemical properties (weight loss,tissue stiffness, pH , Soluble solids) and color sensory properties of the banana coated with aloe vera gel were evaluated and compared to the control after 24 days of storage. The results showed the coating of aloe vera had an effect on all the sensory attributes and singnificantly delayed the growth of microorganisms and effectively reduced weight loss compared to the contro and this coating caused beter preservation of stiffness and freshness of bananas coated with aloe vera gel.It readuced soluble solids and had a significant effect on the pH of the treatments and had no significant effect on the sensory properties of color in different treatments compared to the control.It can be concluded that edible coatings act as a barrier against moisture migration, And some,coating such as aloe vera antimicrobial and antifugal properties.Therefore,t he coating of aloe vera gel on banana fruit in cold storage increases its shelf life and preserves its freshness.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Packing and all types of coatings in the food industry
Received: 2023/05/9 | Accepted: 2023/09/13 | Published: 2024/01/21

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