Volume 22, Issue 158 (2025)                   FSCT 2025, 22(158): 1-14 | Back to browse issues page

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Ardakani A, Tavakolipour H, Jahanbakhshian N. Determination of reheating time and optimum thickness of cooked and cooled food in basis of chicken meat (breast) during flight. FSCT 2025; 22 (158) :1-14
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-63017-en.html
1- Mahan Catering
2- Azad univ.-sabzevar branch , h.tavakolipour@gmail.com
3- North Tehran Islamic azad univ.
Abstract:   (576 Views)
:. In this study, the effect of pH, acidity, moisture content, reheating time, reheating drop as well as sensory evaluation at different thicknesses of chicken pieces (1.5, 2 and 2.5 cm) and different reheating temperatures (150 and 230 ° C) in chicken feed The kebab was examined. The results showed that with increasing the thickness of the chicken pieces and increasing the reheating temperature from 150 to 230 ° C, the reheating time increased but its value did not exceed the standard range (2 hours) and its maximum value was 2.5 cm thick and the temperature 150 ° C was observed for 18.58 minutes. Also, with increasing the thickness of chicken pieces and increasing the reheating temperature to 230 ° C, due to the decrease in surface moisture and dryness, the taste characteristics were more damaged and less acceptable in terms of taste, and  when chicken pieces were 1.5 cm at 150 ° C reheating had the highest quality in sensory evaluation with a score of 8.38. With increasing the thickness of chicken pieces and increasing the reheating temperature, the pH increased and the highest value was observed at 2.5 cm thickness and 230 ° C. In contrast, the acidity was decreased and the lowest was observed at a thickness of 2.5 cm at 230 ° C at 1.51. It should be noted that the moisture content of chicken parts with increasing thickness (2.5) and increasing the temperature to 230 degrees tended to the highest value of 38.04% and the lowest moisture content at 150 ° C was 34.36%. The results also showed that with increasing the thickness of chicken pieces, the heat loss decreased and this factor tended to the highest value of 0.968 at 150 ° C.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Meat and Products Technology
Received: 2022/07/19 | Accepted: 2022/12/1 | Published: 2025/03/21

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