Volume 19, Issue 128 (2022)                   FSCT 2022, 19(128): 303-314 | Back to browse issues page

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Banitamim H, Pourjahed A, Karimi S, Assari M R. Preparation and Study of Physical and Chemical Properties of Nanoemulsions Based on Olive Oil for Encapsulation of Phytosterols. FSCT 2022; 19 (128) :303-314
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-62022-en.html
1- Jundi-Shapur University of Technology
2- Jundi-Shapur University of Technology , atefehpourjahed@gmail.com
3- Jundi-shapur University of Technology
Abstract:   (1674 Views)
Among the main problems in fortifying foods with phytosterols are their high melting point, gypsum taste and low solubility. One of the ways to overcome these problems is to use a suitable coating material and phytosterol coating. . In this study, olive oil was used for phytosterol coating due to its high nutritional benefits by nanoemulsification method. In order to optimize the underlying conditions, the percentage of olive oil (oil phase), the percentage of sodium dodecyl sulfate (surfactant) and gelatin (as stabilizer) were considered as independent variables and the particle size was considered as the response. Experimental conditions were determined by designing the experiment using the mini-tab software using the RMS response surface methodology and using the Box-Behnken design. Two formulations (7.1, 3.7, 90) and (7.9, 3.7, 80) due to having the smallest particle size (103-105) nm as suitable and experimental nanoemulsification conditions for Encapsulation Phytosterols were selected. The results after coating showed that the particle size, pH, viscosity, surface tension and physical stability of these nanoemulsions provided the best conditions for their application. Finally, the formulation (7.1, 3.7, 90) after Encapsulation was selected as the best formulation for phytosterol Encapsulation due to its suitable physical and chemical properties, greater stability and 112 nm particle size.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Hydrocolloids, emulsion
Received: 2022/06/6 | Accepted: 2022/09/10 | Published: 2022/10/2

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