Abstract: (4637 Views)
Washing operation with different dilutions of salt water (3,2,1,0.3) at different times (5,10 and 15 minutes) was used to reduce fishery odor from Silver and Big head carp fish pastes. Results showed that elimination of fishery odor increased while extraction of soluble proteins with salt water increased. Sensory analysis was used to determine the best formulae of 50,60 and 70 percent fish meat from the best eliminated fishery odor sample that sample with 70 percent fish meat selected as the best formulae. For determination of quality changes at -18ºC, 2 variable level of BHA antioxidant (0.01 and 0.02 percent) with a blank sample (without antioxidant) were prepared. Results showed that total count of bacteria reduced and reached to 0 after 60 days while TVN and peroxide factors increased in each sample during storage time. So both peroxide and TVN tests could used for determination of storage time.
Received: 2009/03/24 | Accepted: 2009/07/26 | Published: 2012/08/25