Volume 12, Issue 49 (2015)                   FSCT 2015, 12(49): 21-30 | Back to browse issues page

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Raofi P, Ojagh S M, Shaban Pour B, Yahyai M. Effects of delayed icing on the quality characteristics of Rutilus frisii kutum. FSCT 2015; 12 (49) :21-30
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-5109-en.html
Abstract:   (6473 Views)
Rutilus frisii kutum is one of the most important and economic fish in our country. Since the passage of time and temperature on the quality of fish caught continuous reduced, so decreasing the temperature by ice storage, immediately after fishing, is a good methodto avoid loss of quality fall. Inthisstudy change of some quality parameters of R. frisii kutum during ice storage for 16 days such as expressible moisture, pH, thiobarbituric acid, total volatile nitrogen, free fatty acid, psychrotrophic count and total viable count to assessment the effects of delay of putting ice on fish caught and loss in quality product was measured. According to these results, the chemical and bacterial indicators were increased significantly during the storage in ice. Delayed icing caused the higher degree of oxidation. Furthermore, delayed icing, lack of attention to correct method of storage, and ice storage for a long time can decrease the quality of meat. It is better that fish be ice storage after fishing immediately. Shorten the shelf life of the product on the ice and accelerate cooling, helps to increase the shelf life of the product.  
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Received: 2013/05/4 | Accepted: 2014/02/3 | Published: 2016/01/21

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