Volume 5, Issue 16 (2008)                   FSCT 2008, 5(16): 61-68 | Back to browse issues page

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Comparison of Fatty Acids, Mineral Elements of 17 Iranian Shallot Landraces (Allium hirtifolium Boiss.). FSCT 2008; 5 (16) :61-68
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-4263-en.html
Abstract:   (9130 Views)
  Shallot (Allium hirtifolium Boiss.) is a perennial plant from Alliaceae family. It is native to Iran and grows as a wild plant. This research was carried out to determine the fatty acid profiles and mineral elements (K, Na, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn) of seventeen Iranian shallot landraces (Kangavar, Siakhdarengoon, Sahneh, Ashtian, Dashtearzhan, Koohrang,   Sepidan, Divandareh, Boroujerd, Khomein, Yasuj, Nahavand, Khansar, Harsin, Arak, Doshmanziare and Koohmaresorkhi). Results showed that the highest and lowest dry matter (36.71 and 29.15%) were belonged to Harsin and Doshmanziare landraces, respectively. Kangavar landrace had the highest amount of Fe and Cu and Koohrang landrace had the highest amount of Mg. The highest amount of Na was determined in Harsin landrace. The highest amount of K and Mn were determined in Sahneh and Zn in Khomein landraces. Determination of fatty acids with gas chromatography showed that the highest lonolenic acid (ω3) and linoleic acid (ω6) were observed in Ashtian and Sepidan landraces, respectively. This research showed that Iranian shallot landraces are important in mineral elements and essential fatty acids content and are recommended for human nutrition.  
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Received: 2008/04/25 | Accepted: 2009/02/8 | Published: 2012/09/3

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