Volume 17, Issue 104 (2020)                   FSCT 2020, 17(104): 135-147 | Back to browse issues page

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dadpour S, Yazdanpanah S. Production of low-fat mayonnaise with using nanoemulsion of Cordia myxal fruit extract. FSCT 2020; 17 (104) :135-147
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-40268-en.html
1- department of food science and technology of islamic azad university kazeroun branch
2- Depatment of food science and technology of islamic azad university kazeroun branch , yazdanpanah2004@gmail.com
Abstract:   (3591 Views)
Mayonnaise is a kind of oil emulsion in water that contains high levels of fat that cause cardiovascular disease in consumers. Therefore consumers tend to consume of low-fat mayonnaise. Therefore, in this study, the possibility of using nanoemulsions of Cordia myxal extract as fat substitute in mayonnaise was investigated. Fat was reduced in 25, 50, 75 and 100% in mayonnaise and it was replaced by 100 ppm and 400 ppm nanoemulsions of Cordia myxal extract. The results of the tests were analyzed by completely randomized design at the 5% probability level. The size of nanoemulsion droplets was determined as the mean 68.7 ± 38.3. The results showed that pH and acidity showed no significant difference between treated and control samples. Fat content in all samples was significantly lower than control, but moisture content and acidity of low-fat mayonnaise samples were significantly higher than control (P≤0.05). Physical and thermal stability of all samples was significantly higher than control. In the colorimetric test (E), all samples of low-fat mayonnaise had a significant increase compared to the control. In the sensory evaluation the highest score was given to the control sample in terms of overall acceptance, In terms of texture characteristics, the highest hardness and adhesiveness was observed in the sample that had a 25% decreased fat and contained 100 ppm  nanoemulsions of Cordia myxal extract. This study showed that nanoemulsions of Cordia myxal extract at levels of reduced fat (25% and 50%) by adding nanoemulsions of Cordia myxal extract at two levels of 100 and 400 ppm have good potential for use in formulation of low-fat mayonnaise as a fat substitute.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Food formulations
Received: 2020/01/29 | Accepted: 2020/07/4 | Published: 2020/10/1

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