Volume 7, Issue 24 (2010)                   FSCT 2010, 7(24): 31-37 | Back to browse issues page

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Fatty acids composition of some selected walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes in Markazi province. FSCT 2010; 7 (24) :31-37
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-3908-en.html
Abstract:   (8649 Views)
          Seventy walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes were selected in Markazi province in 4 different geographical locations, based on their regular bearing and high productivity, and were evaluataed for several pomological characters during 2007 growings- season. Among the 70 preselected genotypes, 12 superior ones were considered for further evaluation for kernel’s oil and fatty acid compositions. In these genotypes, the fatty acids compositions in three oil samples were determined by gas chromatography. In the evaluated genotypes, the oil percentage varied from 51.0 to 73.0. The fatty acids palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic composition were variable greatly among studied genotypes. Result indicated that palmitic acid was the main saturated fatty acid component (6.09-8.12%) followed by stearic acid (2.19-4.10%). The oleic acid was the only monounsaturated fatty acid componenet and was varied from 20 to 43 percent. The highest content among fatty acids was belong to linoleic (37.39-58.95%). Unsaturated fatty acids were found as 85% of the total fatty acids content of the oil. While maximum content of the saturated fatty acids was found 12.36%. It seems that the differences in oil percentage and the fatty acids compositions will be related to both genetic diversity of studied genotypes as well as cultural and ecological conditions of the growing regions.In conclusion, the kernel of the genotypes MS10, MS68, MS69 and MS70 with higher linoleic and linolenic acid percentage, have a higher food quality from the genotypes of  MS11   MS12, MS15, MS23, MS27, MS43, MS52 and MS54.                                                               
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Received: 2008/06/30 | Accepted: 2008/08/31 | Published: 2012/06/30

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