Abstract: (5138 Views)
Four varieties of Iranian wheat (Chamran of Ahvaz, Rooshan of Yazd, Zarrine of Aurmieh and Zagross of Ahvaz) were selected. These varieties are selected for high production and their suitable quantity and quality of protein. Phytic acid content in whole flour of these wheat varieties was analyzed. The effects of different leavening agents (2% of yeast, 20 % of sourdough and 1.5% of soda) and various fermentation times (45, 55, 75 min and 65 min for blank) in loaf bread samples (from 70% extraction flour baked at 260 for 20 min) were investigated. Then phytic acid content of these bread samples was compared. The statistical results showed significant differences on phytic acid content for all of varieties (P<0.05). With increasing of fermentation time and using of sourdough as a leavening agent phytic acid content were decreased. The decreasing percent in four mentioned varieties of wheat was 95.5, 95.13, 91.4 and 90.96%, respectively, after 75 min fermentation. Significant differences were observed on interaction between variety, fermentation time and kind of leavening agent (P<0.05). No significant differences were observed between fermentation time and kind of leavening agent.
Received: 2007/04/3 | Accepted: 2007/06/9 | Published: 2012/09/9