mirzaee moghaddam H. Investigation of PhysicoMechanical Properties of Functional Gummy Candy Fortified with Encapsulated Fish Oil in Chitosan-Stearic Acid Nanogel by Pickering Emulsion Method. FSCT 2019; 16 (90) :53-64
Assistant Prof. in Faculty of Agriculture, Shahrood University of Technology , hosseinsg@yahoo.com
Abstract: (11661 Views)
However, the beneficial effects of fish oil, which is fortified in omega-3 fatty acids, is known. But its high sensitivity to oxidation and the formation of undesirable compounds has limited its use in food systems. Therefore, the purpose of this study was the encapsulation of fish oil in chitosan-stearic acid nanogel, by Pickering emulsion method and import it into a food system (Gummy candy) and investigation the physicomechanical properties of the product. Initially, chitosan-stearic acid nanogel was created by self-assemble method and the results of FTIR confirmed the successful connection between chitosan and stearic acid. Also, SEM image showed that the nanoparticles formation was spherical nearly. In the next step, fish oil Pickering emulsions were prepared in different concentrations using chitosan-stearic acid nanogel and used in formulation of gummy candy and in continue, the texture profile analysis (TPA) and also the measurements of the color indexes of the samples were performed. The results of TPA showed that the existence of the nanogel, increased the Springiness (from% 88.5 to% 92.5) and adhesion (from Ns 0.33 to Ns 0.63) and reduced the hardness (from N 178.6 to N 125.8) of texture of gummy candy samples. On the other hand, the presence of fish oil reduced all of the texture indexes. About the color indexs, the nanogel decreased the L (from 58.13 to 56.46) and a (from -5.5 to -4.4) indexes. Also, the results showed that fish oil in combination with nanogels reduced the color indexes.