Abstract: (5823 Views)
The influence of different levels of NaFeEDTA compound on the physicochemical and sensory properties of Petit Beurre biscuit was evaluated. NaFeEDTA was added to biscuit formulation in levels of 576, 720, 864, 1008 and 1152 mg/kg so that 100 gram of fortified biscuits to be contained 7.2, 9, 10.8, 12.6 and 14.4 mg iron/100 g respectively. Fortified biscuits were stored in polyethylene pouches for 60 days under ambient temperature condition (17-20°c) and far from light. Fortification with NaFeEDTA had not significant effect on pH, moisture and ash content of fortified comparing to the control. The data measured an Atomic Absorption instrument showed that iron content was significantly different between the fortified and control samples (P<0.05). The percent of iron loss for fortified samples ranged between 2.63%, 0.33%, 0.64%, 2.53% and 1.18% respectively. The peroxide value was increased in all samples during a 60-day storage period; however this increase was higher in the fortified biscuits as compared to control especially after 28 days. NaFeEDTA compound at different levels had not significant effect on breaking strength of fortified biscuits. Sensory evaluations were showed that the addition of NaFeEDTA to the biscuit formula have significant effect (P<0.05) on the color, texture, and flavor of fortified biscuits. With regard to the results and also the use of NaFeEDTA in the proposed fortification range (10 mg iron, 67 mg EDTA/person per day), 720 mg/kg (9 mg iron/100 g) level of NaFeEDTA as an optimum level for biscuit fortification was suggested.
Received: 2008/05/24 | Accepted: 2008/11/24 | Published: 2012/08/25