Volume 10, Issue 38 (2013)                   FSCT 2013, 10(38): 49-68 | Back to browse issues page

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Application of active packaging in foods - A review. FSCT 2013; 10 (38) :49-68
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-5847-en.html
Abstract:   (26688 Views)
 Active packaging is one of the innovative food packaging concepts which has been introduced to market as a reply to continuous changes in consumers demands. Active packaging modifies the packaging atmosphere condition in such a desirable way that results in shelf-life increase. In contrast to the traditional concept that packaging should preserve the quality of the product with minimal product/packaging interaction, new developments achieved in the last decades considers the benefits of interactions between package and product. Active modified packaging has been used for food preservation over the last twenty five years specially in Japan and USA. The application of different kinds of this package is developing continuously. Active packaging includes additives that can maintain the freshness of the product and have different potentialities .Active agents are in contact with food stuffs directly or indirectly and can be in the forms of oxygen and carbon dioxide scavengers, moisture and ethylene removers or emit ethanol and flavors. Those with the ability to change physical properties like self-heating or cooling are also considered an active package. Active packages have been used for a variety of food stuffs such as cakes, pizzas, fresh dough, cheese, meats and its products, fruits, breads etc.  
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Received: 2013/01/23 | Accepted: 2013/01/23 | Published: 2013/01/23

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