Abstract: (5586 Views)
Food security and access to healthy food and its’ quality is the primary and most basic of human needs. Food Security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needsand food preference for an active and healthy life. The main purpose of the study was survey of the food insecurity situation and access to food in urban households of the Alborz Province. The research method was descriptive and Cross-correlation that was conducted by a survey. The population consists of all urban households in Alborz Province (N=652,466) and 185 households were chosen by the stratified random sampling method. The main instrument was a questionnaire where its’ validity confirmed by panel of experts in agricultural extension and education department at Tarbiat Modares and Tehran universities. Consistency and reliability of Research tools were assiumed by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient ( 0/74). The food security situation results show that 64/4 percent of households were in food safety category and 17/2 percent was in low levels of food insecurity, 10/3 percent were in medium food insecurity level and 8 percent were severely in food insecurity level. Also the results showed that there is significant differences at the 0/01 level in food access Between urban households in Alborz Province, This mean that, Nazarabad city households were in highly level than the other households.
Received: 2016/04/19 | Accepted: 2016/09/21 | Published: 2016/12/21