Volume 13, Issue 54 (2015)                   FSCT 2015, 13(54): 135-143 | Back to browse issues page

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Naderi Parizi S, Beheshti B, Roosta Pour O R. Investigation of pistachio (Kalleh Ghoochi v.) drying kinetics in a new intelligent rotary dryer under vacuum. FSCT 2015; 13 (54) :135-143
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-9593-en.html
Abstract:   (5775 Views)
Pistachio plays an important role as exportation of Iran. The method of drying process has a remarkable influence on the quality of dried products. There are various methods for drying pistachio; however, choosing a suitable method of drying depends on  reliability, healthiness and rapids. In current research, the effect of temperature in three levels of 40, 50 and 60°C and rotational speed of the dryer agitator in three levels of 5, 10 and 15rpm on reduction rate of drying period and drying kinetics of a common Iranian pistachio (Kalleh Ghoochi v.), in a new intelligent- vacuum rotary dryer, was investigated. This dryer  was consisted of a cylindrical chamber and a twin electrical heater which dried products in a vacuum medium. The experimental data was analyzed in a statistical software "SPSS 10 "  In accordance with the results, temperature and rotational speed of the agitator had a significant effect on drying period. When temperature and speed were 60°C and 15rpm respectively, drying period was short and equaled  185 min, but in temperature of  40°C and speed of 5rpm, drying period was long and equaled 325 min.  Increasing the temperature also increased the rate of drying  significantly. Results indicated that increasing  temperature from 40°C to 50°C caused 25% decrease in the drying period and increasing temperature from 40°C to 60°C caused 39% decrease in drying period. 
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Received: 2016/05/14 | Accepted: 2016/07/22 | Published: 2016/09/15

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