Volume 8, Issue 30 (2011)                   FSCT 2011, 8(30): 49-57 | Back to browse issues page

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Some physical and mechanical properties of two varieties of Almond. FSCT 2011; 8 (30) :49-57
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-9075-en.html
Abstract:   (9440 Views)
  Determination of physical and mechanical properties of agricultural products is the basis for designing or modification of processing equipments. Accordingly, in this research, some of physical and mechanical properties of two varieties of almond were investigated. The mean values of geometrical properties including; length, width, thickness, the geometric mean diameter, mass, volume, surface area and sphericity for Azar variety were 32.42, 21.74, 14.76, 21.80 mm, 4.157 gr, 2793 mm3, 1509 mm2 and 67.49% and for Nonpareil were 29.71, 19.12, 12.99, 19.22 mm, 1.305 gr, 2442 mm3, 1168mm2 and 63.80%, respectively. Also, properties such as ; true density and bulk density, frictional properties of Almond on the plain steel, galvanized steel and aluminum for the two varieties of Almond, that is, Azar and Nonpareil were measured. At the present research, also the mechanical properties such as maximum force, energy and power requirement to rupture of Almond nut, measured and assessed under compression loading between two parallel plates. The tests were carried out in three levels of size (small, medium and large), three loading speeds (10, 100 and 200 mm/min) and three loading axes (X, Y and Z) with 10 replications. The effect of three factors; size, speed, direction of loading and their interactions were measured for both varieties. Finally, the mean values of physical and mechanical properties both varieties were compared. The mean values of force, energy and power requirement to rupture of nut for Azar variety were 884.6 N, 447.3mJ, 0.681W and for Nonpareil were 56.2 N, 31.4 mJ, 0.045 W, respectively. The results showed that the mean values of mechanical properties of Azar variety were considerably more than that of Nonpareil variety. Also, it was revealed that the effect of size, speed and loading direction on mechanical properties was significant in both varieties.
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Received: 2009/06/28 | Accepted: 2009/11/28 | Published: 2011/09/29

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