Abstract: (4493 Views)
In this research the effect of microwave thermal treatment with power of 600 w on Longissimus.dorsi (L.d) muscle of camel by 1-3 years were examined. Chemical analysis, mechanical properties and proteins behavior of raw and microwaved samples were compared. Also the cook loss changes in three powers of 300, 600 and 900 w were measured which all of them were followed a zero-order kinetic model. The percentage of fat, protein and ash increased because of high cook loss. Sodium reduced while iron and zinc increased. Shear force and compression force increased in comparison with raw sample. Both Shear force and compression force followed a three-phase curve :(1) rapid toughening, (2) rapid softening, (3) slow toughening. The microstructures of raw and heated samples were also studied. The micrographs showed the rupture of meat structure and connective tissue coagulation. DSC was performed to assess protein denaturation.
Received: 2011/05/28 | Accepted: 2012/10/28 | Published: 2013/09/23