Volume 19, Issue 132 (2023)                   FSCT 2023, 19(132): 251-263 | Back to browse issues page

XML Persian Abstract Print

1- M.Sc. student, Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Saba Institute of Higher Education, Urmia, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
3- Department of Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4- Ph.D., Department of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran , laya_rezazad@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (748 Views)
The aim of this study was to produce a new bioactive composite film using whey protein concentrate and jujube mucilage reinforced with postbiotics of Bacillus coagulans IBRC-M 10807. For this purpose, four films including whey protein concentrate film (WPC), whey protein concentrate film containing B. coagulans postbiotics (WPC+PBs), whey protein concentrate film and jujube mucilage (WPC+MUC), and whey protein concentrate film and jujube mucilage containing B. coagulans postbiotics (WPC+PBs+MUC) each in three replicates of production and their physicochemical, antimicrobial, antioxidant and mechanical, were compared in the form of a completely random design and with the analysis of variance method. The results showed that the addition of postbiotics and jujube mucilage caused a significant increase in the moisture and solubility of the films (P<0.05). Adding postbiotics causes an inhibitory effect against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria (P<0.05). The addition of postbiotics and jujube mucilage caused a significant decrease in the L index of the produced film samples (P<0.05). The results showed that the a and b indexes increased significantly with the addition of postbiotics and jujube mucilage (P<0.05). The results of the present study showed that the produced bioactive biocomposite film has the potential to be used in food packaging.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Food Microbiology
Received: 2022/12/2 | Accepted: 2023/01/14 | Published: 2023/03/1

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