1- M.Sc. Student of Department of Food Science and technology, Quchan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Quchan, Iran
2- Department of Food Science and Technology, Quchan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Quchan, Iran. , v.hakimzadeh@yahoo.com
3- Associate professor of physical chemistry department, faculty of science, Ferdowsi university, Mashhad, Iran
Abstract: (1916 Views)
In order to increase the per capita dairy products in a society, it is necessary to produce a variety of products with high sensory desirability. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify lactic acid bacteria in traditional Quchan cheese and use them in the production of mozzarella cheese. For this purpose, the production of three types of mozzarella cheese using traditional Quchan cheese, industrial starter and fantasy essence was studied. The results of microbial culture and biochemical tests of primary cheese during different stages showed that the total number of lactic acid bacteria increases with increasing the passage stages. Among the lactic acid bacteria in Quchan traditional cheese, gram-positive, catalase negative and hemofermentative bacteria with the ability to grow at 10 and 45° C and at a salt concentration of 5.6% and a pH of 6.9 were identified, indicating the presence of the genus is Enterococcus. Also, despite the confirmation of gram-positive, catalase-negative and hemofermentative cocci, none of the samples had a tetrad structure, indicating the absence of Pediococcus. On the other hand, no gas formation was observed in any of the Durham tubes, so the presence of Leuconostoc was also evaluated negatively. In the study of sensory properties, the effect of starter type (commercial starter, traditional starter) on the taste, salinity, sourness and overall acceptance of samples was significant. The results showed that the samples produced with Quchan traditional starter are more acceptable in terms of salinity, sourness, taste and overall acceptance. According to the results of sensory evaluation, in the production of mozzarella cheese, traditional Quchan cheese can be used as a starter along with commercial starter
Article Type:
Original Research |
Food Microbiology Received: 2021/07/12 | Accepted: 2021/09/23 | Published: 2021/12/1