Volume 15, Issue 77 (2018)                   FSCT 2018, 15(77): 97-89 | Back to browse issues page

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Milani E. Evaluation of Technological and Sensory Characteristics of Snacks Fortified by Soy Flour and Soy Formulated Flour with the Egg Properties. FSCT 2018; 15 (77) :97-89
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-5346-en.html
Abstract:   (7837 Views)
Consumer demand is growing for the nutritious and healthy snacks today. Since the snacks classification in foods with minimal nutritional value and it is one of the most popular snacks among people, especially children and teenagers, so snacks enrichment seems necessary. The purpose of this study is the replacement of 10% of the corn with soy flour and soy formulated flour with the egg properties in extruded snack production in a completely randomized design. The amount of protein, expansion coefficient, hardness, color and sensory characteristics of samples were evaluated. Image processing technique and the Image J software were used to measure the color values. The results revealed that addition of both components increased the amount of protein in snack samples. Also the results showed that more than 5% replacement of corn with these materials increased hardness and reduced expansion coefficient and L* and b* color values and the negative effect of soy flour was more than soy formulated with the egg properties. Finally the results indicated samples containing 5% soy formulated flour with the egg properties had the highest score in the sensory evaluation especially flavor and aroma in compare to the other samples.
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Article Type: Original paper | Subject: Food quality control
Received: 2014/08/27 | Accepted: 2014/10/19 | Published: 2018/06/22

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