Abstract: (5337 Views)
Sugar cane juice contains soluble substance and solid suspension such as color compounds, polysaccharids, gums, proteins and etc that can effect on the quality and efficiency of the final product. Bentonit is a clay soil of montmorilonite and be used as a aid clarifier at industry. In order to make favourit clarification, is better that used type bentonit Na-calit for obtaining optimum point between surface sorption power and volum of sediment.After processing of target samples and obtaining of clarified juice with bentonit method brix, sucrose percent,purity, ash content, color and turbidity are comparced between clarified samples by bentonit method and cold liming method(Cold Defecation or calcium phosphate) as control samples until the best of requirement quantity bentonit and pH recognized. Purpose of this investigation is optimization of raw cane juice refining by bentonit.
Received: 2013/01/23 | Accepted: 2013/01/23 | Published: 2013/01/23