Investigation on production of gluten free cake utilizing sorghum flour, guar and xanthan gums
Naghipour1, F. 1, Karimi, M. 2, Habibi Najafi, M. B. 3, Hadad Khodaparast, M. H. 3, Sheikholeslami, Z. 2, Ghiafeh Davoodi, M. 2, Sahraiyan, B. 1. FSCT 2013; 10 (41) :127-139
Investigation on production of gluten free cake utilizing sorghum flour, guar and xanthan gums
Naghipour1, F. 1, Karimi, M. 2, Habibi Najafi, M. B. 3, Hadad Khodaparast, M. H. 3, Sheikholeslami, Z. 2, Ghiafeh Davoodi, M. 2, Sahraiyan, B. 1
Abstract: (5799 Views)
Coeliac is an autoimmune digestive disease that is caused by the digestion of gluten and the only treatment of this disease is a gluten-free diet. Therefore the acceptance and quality of gluten-free food production for these patients is important. So the aim of this study was evaluation of adding xanthan and guar gums (0, 0.3, 0.6 and 1%) on moisture content, specific volume, porosity, crust color (L*, a* and b* values) and sensory properties (overall acceptability) of sorghum gluten-freeoil cake. Also crust color and porosity were estimated and analyzed by Image J software. The results showed guar gum and xanthan gum especially combination of these gum were able to increase moisture, specific volume, porosity, L* value and overall acceptability in sensory evaluationof sorghum gluten-free oil cake. On the other hand addition of gums to oil cake formulation decreased the firmness of texture during 2hr and 1 week after baking. Also the best result was observed in sample containing 0.3% xanthan and 0.6% guar.
Received: 2011/05/29 | Accepted: 2012/10/29 | Published: 2013/09/23