Volume 16, Issue 90 (2019)                   FSCT 2019, 16(90): 201-216 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Department of Biosystems Engineering-Faculty of Agriculture-Bu Ali Sina University
2- Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu Ali Sina University , amirireza@basu.ac.ir
3- Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University
Abstract:   (10087 Views)
Degradation of nutrients and change in the food quantity occur during the food processing; so, the food quality and retention nutrients are of the most important aspects of food processing. In this research, the effect of tomato slices drying process on the kinetics of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) degradation, color changes (L *, a * and b * ) and the specific energy consumption in order to produce tomato powder was investigated during the hot air drying at 45, 60 and 75 °C.  This tomato powder was used to produce tomato compact tablets.  Also, the effect of tomato dough moisture content (25, 40 and 55 %d.b.) and drying temperature of  wet tomato tablet (30, 40 and 50 °C) on vitamin C concentration (as an indicator for retain nutritional) was investigated during the compression and  convective drying processes. The results showed that the drying temperature and moisture content had a significant effect on the retention of vitamin C concentration (product health) when the fresh tomato processing and the production of compact tablet were going on. Drying under lower temperatures and moisture contents helps to retain quality and nutritional value (less degradation of vitamin C) of tomato tablets.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Food industry machines
Received: 2019/01/14 | Accepted: 2019/08/5 | Published: 2019/08/15

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