Volume 15, Issue 81 (2018)                   FSCT 2018, 15(81): 443-455 | Back to browse issues page

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mohtarami F. بررسی ویژگی های عملکردی ، مکانیکی و ساختاری فیلم سدیم کازینات با استفاده از نانو رس و اسانس خوشاریزه. FSCT 2018; 15 (81) :443-455
URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-20064-en.html
1- urmia university
Abstract:   (2946 Views)
The increasing environmental problems caused by synthetic polymers used in food packaging demonstrate the need for extensive research into the development of biodegradable packaging. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of adding clay nanoparticles to sodium caseinate biofilm as a factor enhancing its properties. For this purpose, composite films based on caseinat sodium with 0 to 1.5% nanoclay and 0 to 500 ppm Echinophora platyloba essential oil. The effects of nanoclay and essential oil on surface properties, transparency, mechanical properties, water vapor permeability and antioxidant properties were studied. The results showed that the addition of nanoclay has improved the mechanical properties of composites. In this regard, films made of 75 % of nanoclay have the highest tensile strength. The film containing 25% of nanoclay had the highest percentage of elongation at break point. The study of the microstructure of the film shows that the addition of nanoclay reduced the permeability of films to water vapor and also reduced the density of films and Causing their surface to become uneven. The compatibility of Echinophora Platyloba Essential Oil with caseinat sodium also produced satisfactory results in order to produce an active film of bionanocomposite. The film containing 500 ppm of essential oil showed an antioxidant activity of 78%. Overall, , The results showed that nanoclay can have positive effects on the physical properties of sodium caseinate and help to improve its properties.
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Article Type: Original paper | Subject: Food quality control
Received: 2017/10/28 | Accepted: 2018/02/17 | Published: 2018/11/15

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