Volume 15, Issue 80 (2018)                   FSCT 2018, 15(80): 349-360 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (5735 Views)
In the present study the response surface methodology (RSM) and BOX-Behnken design were used to optimize the microwave-assisted extraction of pectin from peas (Pisum sativum L.) pod as a new source. The effect of some variables such as microwave power, time of irradiation and pH on some physicochemical and functional properties of extracted pectin i.e. galacturonic acid content, degree of esterification, emulsifying properties, stability of emulsion and behavior of FT-IR spectra were investigated.The results showed that the extraction yield was between 2-15.6%. Moreover, the extraction yield at optimum extraction conditions (microwave power of 600 W, extraction time of 4 min and pH of 1.0) was 17.1 %. The result was obtained under optimized experimental conditions in triplicate and the mean values (16.93 ± 0.43) obtained from real experiments, demonstrated the validation of the optimized conditions. Degree of esterification (DE) values for pectin ranged from 18.36 and 32.94 and it was 23% under optimum condition. The galacturonic acid content and emulsion activity of the extracted pectin under optimal conditions also were 69.23 ± 1.432% and 38%, respectively. In addition, the stability of pectin-stabilized emulsion was good at 4°C and 23°C.
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Article Type: Original paper | Subject: Food quality control
Received: 2017/08/2 | Accepted: 2018/08/27 | Published: 2018/09/20

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